Latest NSW and Local Crime Statistics Calculated

 The latest crime statistics for the last quarter has been released for NSW and the Mid-Western local government area.

Between April 2019 to March 2021, the Bureau Of Crime and Statistics Australia (BOCSAR), recorded an 84.4 per-cent increase in indecent assaults and other sexual offences in the region, within the two-year timeframe.

With the spike in the assault trends throughout NSW, Minister for Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence, Mark Speakman, has released a statement, urging anyone who is victim of these crimes, to come forward to police.

“While this spike comes off the back of intense media coverage and long overdue public discussion of sexual violence in our communities, it also demonstrates what we already knew, that these crimes are significantly under-reported each day.

“Our message to victim-survivors is please know that you are not alone, and that help is available, whether that’s contacting the police or another support or counselling service.”

BOCSAR Statistics also show a 61 per cent increase in sexual assault incidents reported to NSW Police in March 2021, compared with the monthly average over the previous year.

Minister for Police and Emergency Services David Elliott said the NSW Police Force take reports of sexual violence very seriously.

“Although these figures are distressing, it is encouraging that there is an increased willingness to report sexual assaults and that is a testament to the strength of all victims who come forward, and to police for ensuring that victims know they will be supported and believed when they do,” Mr Elliott said. 

